Habit Mastery – Crux Control


The time has come. We are at a cornerstone in history where the decisions we make as a people will indeed affect our future generations to come. 


I have decided as a man with a voice to be heard that I must put out relevant knowledge to be applied into real life wisdom in this current day and age. Therefore what I put out must be of the highest importance, and the highest quality according to my own abilities.

Continue reading “Habit Mastery – Crux Control”

Your mind is a sponge-like creature.

Everything gets soaked up that gets close to it such as:


    Your friends attitude

    The television channels you watch

    What your coworkers say to you

    Negative or Positive news articles

    Even your family around you


Everything around you gets soaked right up. Therefore you are helplessly formed by the information you are surrounded by. Whether it’s a negative attitude or a positive outlook from a friend, it all enters in to your own personal storehouse of information. 

Therefore if your mind soaks up all things around you, then you have the ability to control what type of information goes in…

The mind, by design, is a complicated beast which you must learn how to control.

Continue reading “Reprogram Your Mind: Garbage Out, Good In”


HOW TO Win the

Game of Life

Instructions for Winning the Game with the Power of Habits


“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into

someone else’s plan. And guess what they

have planned for you? Not much.

-Jim Rohn


This Post is a “rule book” meant to give you an idea on how you can mold and make your own existence. We are going to cover some basic rules to the game of life, and discover how you can win it!


You can have a life worth living and sharing with those around you.

Continue reading “How to WIN the Game of Life”

Ahhh Yes, Motivation…

That word thrown around by so many, yet mastered by so few. You wonder if motivation even matters at all.

However, what if motivation is the one thing that makes you succeed?

Making a new habit is what we are all about. A new habit is like a new car, and motivation is like the engine. Without the engine your sweet new 1980’s Delorean will go absolutely nowhere.

Let’s explore this…

…because it is super important. How can I define the importance of it? Like this, it’s almost as important as Super Mario’s ability to jump!

Motivation goes with habit building like peas and carrots. Like an engine to a car. Like Luigi to Mario. Gasp!

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