Habit Mastery – Crux Control


The time has come. We are at a cornerstone in history where the decisions we make as a people will indeed affect our future generations to come. 


I have decided as a man with a voice to be heard that I must put out relevant knowledge to be applied into real life wisdom in this current day and age. Therefore what I put out must be of the highest importance, and the highest quality according to my own abilities.


The world is a chaotic and unstable place going up then down, way up, then way down. Constantly moving in every direction with no mans future 100% certain for what tomorrow may bring.


With a world so unstable what, if anything, does each person control? What is it that I can dominate, which only I myself have full control over?


There is only one thing that is and always has been under your complete and total control. It’s the one thing many religions and people have agreed on, and is the one thing that will never change.


It is your crux…and to control the crux is to control the cornerstone of your being. Ever heard the “crux” of the matter” or “crux” of a problem?


…and just what is this great crux?


I had to sit down and evaluate that which I want you to know. That which I want my kids to know, and your kids to know. Information that really and truly can help people. This crux is the centerpoint of all things which we will be discussing, and the only thing you have total control over.


If you haven’t guessed yet, it happens to be….. your mind.


Your Mind is the one thing you have complete unanimous control over.


You can be a POW behind enemy lines with no clothes, food, or hope of escape. Yet, even in the worst case scenario of a man, he always has the ability to control his mind.


This is a conundrum in these times, because so many people have relinquished control of the one thing they were born to command. It is a beast which needs control, and if you don’t tame it, some other force will.


I can discuss how habits will change your life until I am blue in the face, but if you can’t control your own mind, your own thoughts, and make your own decisions…all of my utterings will be in vain.


Its the crux. The centerpoint which starts all good habits. If good habits are the unlocked door of all success, and the mind is the crux needed to form those habits, then isn’t your thoughts the most important thing you can command today?


Have you ever seen an ocean liner parked at port? It is a sight to see even if you’ve never cared about ships or gone on a cruise. 


The largest cruise ship in existence today is the “Symphony of the Seas”. The giant ship has just over 228,000 gross tons, measures 238 feet tall, and spans 1,188 feet long. My friends, that is one big ocean liner. 


Yet, even with it’s enormity in scale it is controlled by a single captain in command at any given moment.


That is a direct correlation between the human brain and the rest of your physical body. The mind is in direct control of both conscious and subconscious actions both within and without the body.


That, my friends, is why it is the crux, the centerpoint, and cornerstone of your world. It is amazing and yet unexplainable. It is divinely created to be unexplainable and powerful to your very existence. 


You might ask what the benefits are of controlling ones own mind, and the list would be extensive. Let’s look at some well known resources for reference:


According to the world renowned Mayo Clinic the benefits of controlling your mind with positive thoughts give the following results:


  1. Increased life span
  2. Lower rates of depression
  3. Lower levels of distress
  4. Greater resistance to the common cold
  5. Better psychological and physical well-being
  6. Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  7. Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress


All of this simply from taking full control of your mind and directing it with a positive mental attitude.


Napoleon Hill talked about this extensively in his famous books, the main of which “Think and Grow Rich.” He created his own list of benefits which both back up and extends the findings of the Mayo Clinic. His list includes the following:


  1. Success consciousness, which attracts only the circumstances which make for success 
  2. Sound health, both physical and mental 
  3. Financial independence 
  4. A labor of love in which to express yourself 
  5. Peace of mind 
  6. Applied faith, which makes fear impossible 
  7. Enduring friendships 
  8. Longevity and a well-balanced life 
  9. Immunity from self-limitation 
  10. The wisdom to understand yourself and others


I think it’s an easy argument to say the mind has a maximum impact on the world. It is so vast and complex, yet our understanding of it is only at its infancy. 


Yet all good things must start with decisions and actions. It is so very important what you do every day. What you see and hear. Where you go and how you act. If you will start today by making a decision to take full control of your mind, you can then take actions which you have only dreamed of doing.


Today is the day to do it. There is no other day than today. Think about it, the world could explode tomorrow…and the past whether good or bad is gone forever.


The time today can never be replaced. If you take control and starting working towards a worthy ideal by putting your mind in such a state, then the day will be redeemed. If not? The day will be lost forever.


Time is of the essence, especially in todays chaotic state of world events. Yet…it still begins with you. 


If controlling the mind is the crux and beginning of all good habits, then YOU are the crux and beginning of a better world. 


One note before I go, you cannot control anyone elses mind. The only mind you have complete unanimous control over is your own. Yet even though you cannot control others minds, you can live out a positive human existence with a light shining so bright that the whole world can see it.


Thats when positive changes start happening in others simply by seeing your own capabilities. As if by osmosis a positive mind can infect others to the point of changing your world around you.


It begins with you though. There is and never has been a way around it. Will you take control and be a positive influence on this dying world? Or will you simply fall by the wayside and join all the other mobs of negativity and release of personal control to others.


Even that great teacher from Galilee had to make the choice to change human history. 


Thank You my friends for listening, and until next time…this is Gabriel Jones.

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