Your mind is a sponge-like creature.

Everything gets soaked up that gets close to it such as:


    Your friends attitude

    The television channels you watch

    What your coworkers say to you

    Negative or Positive news articles

    Even your family around you


Everything around you gets soaked right up. Therefore you are helplessly formed by the information you are surrounded by. Whether it’s a negative attitude or a positive outlook from a friend, it all enters in to your own personal storehouse of information. 

Therefore if your mind soaks up all things around you, then you have the ability to control what type of information goes in…

The mind, by design, is a complicated beast which you must learn how to control.

You MUST take control of it, otherwise you will find yourself by a water cooler talking to the most negative co-worker ever about how his 50 business ideas have bankrupt him, his life is terrible, the wife left him because she is such a terrible person, and his dog died last week. All of these things enter your mind as information absorbed…and this input is definitely avoidable.

Take your breaks with the positive person in the office or go for a walk away from the location. Do something different which gives different input into your brain.

There is always a solution to your situation. Always. Don’t ever think that you are in a situation whereby there is no way out. That statement is impossible in this life. You have choices, you can take action.


If you don’t change, don’t be surprised when your life doesn’t ever change!


Let’s say your best friend is a gossip queen and you hear every bad thing about everyone else’s lives. This kind of talk affects your mental attitude. That is why gossip is such a hurtful thing. It is your responsibility to change the conversations you have, to redirect to something positive instead of negative.

You must be a constant examiner of your own life and circumstances and forever be adjusting your situations in a positive way.

Like trimming a tree of the bad branches you must learn to remove the negative influences close to you. This could come in the form of many things such as people, TV shows you are watching, negative websites which you frequent and any other thing which is teaching you to live with a negative mindset instead of a positive one.


For you to grow and gain new positive information you must seek it out.


That is why good books are so valuable. Why good friends are so valuable. Why you must actively seek out new positive information which will enhance your life, instead of destroying it.


Of course you can always turn to the “Good Book” which is the Bible for all kinds of wisdom. Most people (even Christians) tend to neglect that vast storehouse of wisdom known as the Bible. There are many millionaires who gained wealth by reading the book of Proverbs over and over, and implementing the wisdom gained from its valuable contents.

In addition, you should be reading other books everyday to have continuous learning and growing. Books that will grow you as a person. Books full of positivity.


Your mind needs to feed on information, and you can force good information into the mind by discovering good books to read.


It has been said that you will be defined as a person by the information you absorb. So who do you want to be like?

You soak up the examples of other people whether the set example is good or bad.

Therefore you must make it a good example by learning about the people who you would most like to emulate.


 Action plan:


Pick someone good like Lincoln, Carnegie, Martin Luther King, or some other person in history you admire. There is a method which I will now give you on how to Meet the Dead!


Meet the dead? What kind of supernatural nonsense am I talking about?? Not what you’re thinking, I promise!


There are indeed various ways to meet the dead. Please first understand that I am not talking about physically meeting someone who has died. That’s impossible here on earth. I am, however, talking about how to meet great characters in history which have already passed, and learn from their lives.

Doing this you will be able to meet great people such as:


Abraham Lincoln

Thomas Edison

Theodore Roosevelt

Napoleon Hill

Andrew Carnegie

Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Walt Disney


Why would you want to “meet” these people who have passed? When we are children we are taught to read books and learn from amazing people such as those mentioned. However when we are adults and our time is strapped between work, family, chores, we forget how important it is to keep learning.


So where do you start? BOOKS!


Yep, the old fashioned “methodology” of book reading. When a child reads a book (regardless if its fiction or non-fiction) their minds start going full speed with imagination.  

Thoughts of adventure fills the air and your powerful mind transports you to the places you have never been when reading a good book.

Find books on the lives of these great men, and you can answer questions such as these:


  • How many times did Edison fail before inventing the light bulb?
  • How old was Walt Disney when Mickey Mouse was introduced in “Steamboat Willie”?
  • How did Andrew Carnegie start the incredible U.S. Steel Corporation?
  • How many books did Napoleon Hill write?


Through the use of Books and online research you can meet and learn all about these incredible people, and anyone else you desire to meet. With books learning is a wonderful and endless process which a person can use to grow with until the day they die themselves.


I remember quotes from the amazing Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. He said:


 “You are the same today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read.” and the short but powerful statement “Leaders are Readers”.


Do you know how I met Charlie Jones? By reading his book written many years ago titled “Life is Tremendous”. Imagine that.

I am wondering what historic person you would like to meet. Maybe one of our past presidents. An inventor like Ben Franklin. The possibilities are endless if you are willing to seek out books and information about them.


”There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island”

– Walt Disney


Give yourself to learning new and positive things for a powerful impact on your personal life. Stop listening to garbage, and start hearing good positive things. You will start reflecting the information you put in to the world around you. Also, don’t ever stop growing and learning. We don’t stop learning until we are brought back to the earth from whence we came. From dust to dust. BUT until this fragile body returns to the ground and my soul gives way to eternity, I will make sure the learning never stops and my mind keeps growing.


Let me know in the comments what books you are reading right now, and make sure to download the FREE guide to building habits in 3 simple steps.

~Mr Jones – CEO, CFO, and COO of

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